Kindred Hearts
Kindred Hearts
Services from the Heart

In-Home and Community Supports
In-Home and Community Supports
This is a direct (face-to-face) service provided in home and community settings to assist individuals in acquiring, maintaining, and improving self-help, domestic, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to reside successfully in home and community-based settings. Services consist of support in the general areas of self-care, communication, fine and gross motor skills, mobility, therapeutic activities6, personal adjustment, relationship development, socialization, and use of community resources.
Through the provision of this service individuals learn, maintain, or improve skills through their participation in a variety of everyday life activities These activities must be necessary for individuals to live in the community, to live more independently, or to be more productive and participatory in community life.
In-Home and Community Supports services may also be used to provide staff assistance to support individuals in the following ways:
1. In-Home and Community Supports are provided in an individual‘s own home and family settings that are not subject to Department licensing or approval, when the provider meets established requirements and qualifications.
2. Support that enables the individual to access and use community resources such as instruction in using transportation, translator and communication assistance related to ISP outcomes, and services to assist the individual in shopping and other necessary activities of community life.
3. Support that assists the individual in developing or maintaining financial stability and security, such as plans for achieving self-support; general banking; personal and estate planning; balancing accounts; preparing income taxes; and recordkeeping.
4. Support that enables an individual to participate in community projects, associations, groups, and functions, such as support that assists an individual to participate in a volunteer association or a community work project.
5. Support that is related to ISP outcomes to enable an individual to visit with friends and family in the community.
6. Support that enables an individual to participate in public and private boards, advisory groups, and commissions.
7. Support that enables the individual to exercise rights as a citizen, such as assistance in exercising civic responsibilities.
8. Support provided during overnight hours when the individual needs the service to protect their health and welfare. If the individual only needs supervision during overnight hours, the appropriate service is Companion Services.
There may be multiple outcomes which are supported by this service with different providers or through self-directed opportunities within an individual‘s ISP as long as there is documented need with associated outcomes and there are no conflicts or overlaps with regard to day and time of service.
"The worst thing about a disability is that people see it before they see you."
-Easter Seals